Does Your Bedroom Need a Lift?


Any time is a good time to redecorate your bedroom. Don’t wait for a special reason-especially don’t wait for a special reason if you’re feeling a little puny. Now is the best time.

Let color be your guide

Do you like the idea of a “cave” to snuggle in and hibernate? Then warm colors (browns, through beiges, earth greens, earthy blues, rust, and gold) will serve your purpose. Do you like the idea of a “nest”? Then a cooler palette (from pale yellows to light greens and aqua blues to pale violets) will set the strategy. If the room is large enough, plan for an accent wall. Just be sure it’s in the same key-depth of color.

Furniture arrangement

The bed is the master, and wherever it fits is best (and do think about a diagonal with shelves above or on either side for a dramatic effect), with everything else fitting around it. If you have a queen-sized bed and the room is large enough, a cozy loveseat at the end with a small coffee table makes a good-looking ensemble. You can also use an armoire to add charming character to the room. Buy an inexpensive one and shabby-chiq it. A coronet over the bed, for the ladies, is also a way to feel special when you slip into bed. For the men, a series of u-shaped crown moldings on the wall, or one low cornice with lights in it, to set off the bed is an inexpensive way to go if you don’t have a marvelous headboard.

Window and bed dressings

Unless you love fussy, try to keep them simple. The inexpensive Egyptian cotton sheets, for sale on eBay, make excellent drapes/curtains. They also come in colors. Instead of an accent wall, the curtains become the accent. Just open the ends of the hems, fold the raw edges inside the pocket, slide them over a rod, and voila! You can use wonderful decorative caps on the rods to for accents, or create a cornice from sheets of polyfoam exterior insulation. Cut and glue. There are instructions online to make a cornice out of this great lightweight material, and you won’t need special tools. Bed dressings: keep them neat and simple, until you come to the pillows. Find a pattern or textured fabric in an accent or matching color with the walls. Using many pillows always looks luxurious.


If you already have carpet (hopefully a neutral color) and like it, add some throw rugs beside or at the end of the bed for interest. If you’re fortunate, and have a great wood floor, throw rugs are definitely in order. Keep them from overpowering the room-not too bright. If the wood floor is too old and hard to save, paint it. Anything but a wood stain, color or white will be perfect and black is stunning-if it goes with your scheme.

Walls and Lighting

If you know how to pick out paintings, here’s where you can have a good time. If you don’t – use photographs that reflect your cave or nest motif. Keep the lighting low and subdued. If you have a ceiling fixture, a small crystal chandelier or two-shaded light chandelier for the men will add just the right touch.

Have fun, and have a bedroom unveiling party to congratulate you on a job well done.

Source by Jennifer Rambkee